actionscript 3 - Adobe Air - Load PNG image from file in IconItemRenderer -

i have list object has iconitemrenderer. have images stored in documentsdirectory , dynamically attach them items in list based on proptery in "item" in iconfunction.

i've looked everywhere iconfunction return image file.

<s:list width="150">   <s:itemrenderer>     <fx:component>         <s:image source="{data.img}"/>     </fx:component>   <s:itemrenderer> </s:list> 

here in 'data.img' img property holds path image. data object available in itemrenderer file. can use below in iconitemrenderer

<s:image source="{data.img}"/> 

even if dont have path , have bytearray instead of path of image, can pass same source property

ex : <s:image source="{data.bytearray}"/> 


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