Image in PDF Report using wkhtmltopdf on rails -

i want pdf report image in record.

the html report works fine below code:

<% if %>         <%= image_tag %>   <% end %> 

but when try pdf report following code doesnt work. pls help.

<% if %>         <%= wicked_pdf_image_tag %>    <% end %> 

and def in controller

def generate_id_card     @student = student.find(params[:id])     render :pdf=>'generate_id_card',     :show_as_html => true 

which wkhtmltopdf shows nothing have installed in /opt directory at: /opt/wkhtmltopdf-amd64

and wickedpdf.config is

wickedpdf.config = { #    :wkhtmltopdf => '/opt/wkhtmltopdf',     :wkhtmltopdf => '/opt/wkhtmltopdf-amd64',     :layout => "pdf.html",     :margin => {    :top=> 40,                     :bottom => 20,                     :left=> 30,                     :right => 30},     :header => {:html => { :template=> 'layouts/pdf_header.html'}},     :footer => {:html => { :template=> 'layouts/pdf_footer.html'}} 

which wkhtmltopdf show nothing have installed in /opt /opt/wkhtmltopdf-amd64

and wickedpdf.config is

wickedpdf.config = { #    :wkhtmltopdf => '/opt/wkhtmltopdf',     :wkhtmltopdf => '/opt/wkhtmltopdf-amd64',     :layout => "pdf.html",     :margin => {    :top=> 40,                     :bottom => 20,                     :left=> 30,                     :right => 30},     :header => {:html => { :template=> 'layouts/pdf_header.html'}},     :footer => {:html => { :template=> 'layouts/pdf_footer.html'}} 

rendered_id_card = render_to_string(:template => "students/generate_id_card.pdf.erb", :show_as_html => true ) pdf = rendered_id_card 



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