Kartik Yii2 Typeahead Widget event listener not working -

i have kartik yii2 typeahead widget in view:

echo \kartik\typeahead\typeahead::widget([     'name' => 'serial_product',     'options' => [         'placeholder' => 'product name / sku / serial number / coupon code',         'autofocus' => "autofocus",         'id' => 'serial_product'     ],     'scrollable' => true,     'pluginoptions' => [         'highlight' => true,         'minlength' => 3     ],     'dataset' => [         [             'remote' => [                 'ttl' => 0,                 'url' => url::to(['invoice/ajaxgetinventoryitemsnew']) . '?search=%query',                 'ajax' => ['complete' => new \yii\web\jsexpression("function(response){jquery('#serial_product').removeclass('loading');checkresult(response.responsetext);return true}")]             ],             'limit' => 10         ]     ],     'pluginevents' => [         "typeahead:selected" => "function(obj, item) { checkresult2(item); return true; }",         "typeahead:render" => "function() { console.log('whatever...'); }",     ], ]); 

the first "pluginevents" (typeahead:selected) getting triggered should. 2nd 1 "typeahead:render" not triggered, , no error on console.

why render event not triggered?

versions: typeahead.js 0.10.5 | kartik typeahead.php 1.0.0

maybe: use kartik\widgets\typeahead

$data = [     'alabama', 'alaska', 'arizona', 'arkansas', 'california', 'colorado',      'connecticut', 'delaware', 'florida', 'georgia', 'hawaii',     'idaho', 'illinois', 'indiana', 'iowa', 'kansas', 'kentucky', 'louisiana' ];  // usage activeform , model (with search term highlighting) echo \$form->field(\$model, 'state_3')->widget(typeahead::classname(), [     'options' => ['placeholder' => 'filter type ...'],     'pluginoptions' => ['highlight'=>true],     'dataset' => [         [             'local' => $data,             'limit' => 10         ]     ] ]); 


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