azure - Cloud Service deployment rolled back -

we had strange issue couple of times our azure service. have cloud service installed has web application running on it.

the service created sometime around beginning of december , first deployment done time well. after did multiple deployments cloud service, (it happens couple of times now) sometime azure decides roll deployment initial 1 - 1 made 2 months ago. happened midnight once again , see files creation date on "restored" or "rolled back" instance 12/5/2013, seems date when did initial deployment.

a question: 1) why happen? 2) how can determine caused rollback? 3) how can prevent rollback? or 4) how can make "snapshot" of cloud service when rollback happens, rolls latest stable image?

thanks, denis

how doing "after did multiple deployments cloud service"? doing via webdeploy or via rdp azure vm?

paas cloud service vms stateless. code running website rebuilt original .cspkg uploaded. see bit more info.

if want make changes webrole need upload new cspkg. see more information.

if deploying via webdeploy should know these changes intended development/testing cycle , changes temporary. see more information, in particular "for development , testing purposes only" section.


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