android - volley how to parse params to JsonObjectRequest getParams does not work -

as old version of volley.jar. pass params following method:

@override public byte[] getbody() {     if (params != null && params.size() > 0) {         return encodeparameters(params, getparamsencoding());     }     return null; }                 

but need update volley, , find method(encodeparameters()) changed private.

i found override method of getparams(), did not work me. method getbody of jsonobjectrequest following:

public byte[] getbody() {     try {         return mrequestbody == null ? null : mrequestbody.getbytes(protocol_charset);     } catch (unsupportedencodingexception uee) {"unsupported encoding while trying bytes of %s using %s",             mrequestbody, protocol_charset);         return null;     } } 

getparams() never called. cannot pass params now.

i tried pass params in construct method has jsonobject param, did not work either.

hope i'm understanding correctly.

an easier way pass params volley be:

    string url = "some/url";      map<string, object> jsonparams = new hashmap<>();     jsonparams.put("someparam", getsomeparamobject());      jsonobjectrequest request = new jsonobjectrequest(, url, new jsonobject(jsonparams),             new response.listener<jsonobject>()             {                 @override                 public void onresponse(jsonobject response)                 {                  //do magic...                 }             } 

for encoding issue, see if so question helps.

hope helps.


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