ios - Adaptive layout for iPad -

i following article building adaptive layout in ios building adaptive user interfaces ios 8.

it work fine on iphones . wan't give same effect on ipad. ipad adaptive layout not work.
here screenshot of application in iphone5 (green box represent view1 , yellow box represent view2)
1.portrait mode

enter image description here

  1. landscape mode
    enter image description here

question: how can achieve same effect ipad?
expanded question: how set initial orientation of ipad in landscape mode?

the problem ipad both orientation represented regular.

one of solution add 2 iboutlet collection view controller want orientation change happened, example:

@iboutlet var landscapeconstraints: [nslayoutconstraint]! @iboutlet var portraitconstraints: [nslayoutconstraint]! 

go storyboard, switch adaptive layout want happened in ipad portrait orientation , control drag every active constraints portraitconstraints iboutlet. change adaptive layout 1 want happened landscape , again control drag active constraints landscapeconstraints iboutlet.

in view controller override viewwilltransitiontosize method:

    override func viewwilltransitiontosize(size: cgsize, withtransitioncoordinator coordinator: uiviewcontrollertransitioncoordinator) {         super.viewwilltransitiontosize(size, withtransitioncoordinator: coordinator)         let transitiontolandscape = size.width > size.height          let constraintstouninstall = transitiontolandscape ? ortraitconstraints : landscapeconstraints          let constraintstoinstall = transitiontolandscape ? landscapeconstraints : portraitconstraints          view.layoutifneeded()         coordinator.animatealongsidetransition({             _ in             nslayoutconstraint.deactivateconstraints(constraintstouninstall)              nslayoutconstraint.activateconstraints(constraintstoinstall)              self.view.layoutifneeded()         }, completion: nil) } 

// expanded, constraints example:

enter image description here

go any-any size class , see constraint of them gayed out means not active here active in different size classes, example any-regular.

// expanded

to set initial orientation can override viewwillappear , install/uninstall right constraints:

override func viewwillappear(animated: bool) {         super.viewwillappear(animated)          let transitiontolandscape = view.frame.size.width > view.frame.size.height          let constraintstouninstall = transitiontolandscape ? portraitconstraints : landscapeconstraints         let constraintstoinstall = transitiontolandscape ? landscapeconstraints : portraitconstraints          view.layoutifneeded()         nslayoutconstraint.deactivateconstraints(constraintstouninstall)         nslayoutconstraint.activateconstraints(constraintstoinstall)     } 


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