go - golang and python thrift communcation -

i using thrift. here thrift file:

namespace py hello namespace go hello  service hello{      string hellostring(1:string para)  }  

and generate python , golang code

thrift -gen py hello.thrift thrift -gen go hello.thrift  

python server code: py-server.py

import socket import sys sys.path.append('./gen-py/')  hello import hello hello.ttypes import *  thrift.transport import tsocket thrift.transport import ttransport thrift.protocol import tbinaryprotocol thrift.server import tserver  class hellohandler:     def hellostring(self, msg):         ret = "hellostring received: " + msg         print ret         return msg   handler = hellohandler() processor = hello.processor(handler) transport = tsocket.tserversocket("", 19090) tfactory = ttransport.tbufferedtransportfactory() pfactory = tbinaryprotocol.tbinaryprotocolfactory()  server = tserver.tsimpleserver(processor, transport, tfactory, pfactory)  print "starting thrift server in python..." server.serve() 

and can run well:

$ python py-server.py  starting thrift server in python... 

and client writen golang, go-client.go:

package main  import (     "./gen-go/hello"     "fmt"     "git.apache.org/thrift.git/lib/go/thrift"     "net"     "os" )  func main() {     transportfactory := thrift.newtframedtransportfactory(thrift.newttransportfactory())     protocolfactory := thrift.newtbinaryprotocolfactorydefault()     transport, err := thrift.newtsocket(net.joinhostport("", "19090"))     fmt.println(1)     if err != nil {         fmt.fprintln(os.stderr, "error resolving address:", err)         os.exit(1)     }     usetransport := transportfactory.gettransport(transport)     client := hello.newhelloclientfactory(usetransport, protocolfactory)     fmt.println(2)     if err := transport.open(); err != nil {         fmt.println(3)         fmt.fprintln(os.stderr, "localhsot:19090", " ", err)         os.exit(1)     }     defer transport.close()     fmt.println(4)     r1, e1 := client.hellostring("lalalalalalalallalaal")     fmt.println(5)     fmt.println("call->", r1, e1) } 

but can't run, output, , can not stop normally

$ go run go-client.go  1 2 4 

and server not receive message.

is there problem in golang code?

if write client python , can run well..

import socket import sys sys.path.append('./gen-py/')  hello import hello thrift import thrift thrift.transport import tsocket thrift.transport import ttransport thrift.protocol import tbinaryprotocol  try:     transport = tsocket.tsocket('', 19090)     transport = ttransport.tbufferedtransport(transport)     protocol = tbinaryprotocol.tbinaryprotocol(transport)     client = hello.client(protocol)     transport.open()      print "client - hellostring"     msg = client.hellostring("lalalalalla")     print "server - " + msg       transport.close()  except thrift.texception, ex:     print "%s" % (ex.message)  $ python py-client.py  client - hellostring server - lalalalalla 

transportfactory := thrift.newtframedtransportfactory(thrift.newttransportfactory())

please change newtframedtransportfactory newtbufferedtransportfactory, transportfactory := thrift.newtbufferedtransportfactory(1024), thanks.


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