assembly - Assembler plump/water animation -

i new in assembler , looking easy solution how insert loop in code. can guys give me tip or answer? found articles on google , cannot understand them cuz dumb, though. i've projeckt: animation of water,

i want use circle found code

; nasm -o999 -o -f bin kolo.asm

org 100h      mov ax, 13h     int 10h      mov ax, 0a000h     mov es, ax      mov cx, 360      finit     fldpi     fild word [sto80]      fdivp st1, st0        ; pi/180      fld1     fild word [r]        ; r, 1, pi/180     fldz            ; angle=0, r, 1, pi/180      mov al, 15  draw:                      fld st0            ; angle, angle, r, 1, pi/180      fmul st4        ; angle in radius     mov di, 100*320 + 160    ; middle of screen      fsin            ; sin(angle), angle, r, 1, pi/180     fmul st2        ; sin(angle)*r, angle, r, 1, pi/180      fistp word [height]    ; angle, r, 1, pi/180      fld st0            ; angle, angle, r, 1, pi/180     fmul st4        ; angle in radius     fcos            ; cos(angle),angle, r, 1, pi/180     fmul st2        ; r*cos(angle), angle, r, 1, pi/180      fistp word [width]    ; angle, r, 1, pi/180      add di, [width]        ; add horizontal length      mov dx, [height]     mov bx, dx     shl dx, 8     shl bx, 6     add dx, bx        ; dx = height*320      sub di, dx        ; subtract vertical distance      mov [es:di], al        ; show pixel      fadd st0, st2        ; angle += 1      dec cx     jnz draw      finit      xor ah, ah     int 16h      mov ax, 3     int 10h      mov ax, 4c00h     int 21h  r    dw    50 width    dw    0  height    dw    0 sto80    dw    180  

for want add 1 circle increased . need add loop increment r (for r=0;r<300;r++. after r==300 change r=0) , redraw , maybe hide last circle pixels?

you should not let radius bigger 99 because dimensions of screen 320x200 , drawing center of screen no checks on outcome of address calculation in di register.

to desired loop make following changes:

 org 100h  mov ax, 0013h  int 10h  mov ax, 0a000h  mov es, ax nextcircle:           ; add  mov cx, 360   ...   fadd st0, st2        ; angle += 1  dec cx  jnz draw  xor ah, ah           ; maybe add (to wait between circles)  int 16h              ; maybe add (to wait between circles)  inc word [r]         ; add  cmp word [r], 100    ; add  jb nextcircle        ; add  finit  xor ah, ah  int 16h  mov ax, 0003h  int 10h  mov ax, 4c00h  int 21h 

to hide previous circle can redraw using black color (al=0).


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