How to get through the Google+ AP list of persons in my circles BUT of my bussiness page - not in my account -

i'm reading persons in circles in main, personal google account (via google-api-php-client). have few business pages - part of personal google account. read list persons in circles of pages.

when i'm trying below code with $userid 'me' works fine. when i'm trying code my bussiness page id $userid receive error:

fatal error: uncaught exception 'google_service_exception' message 'error calling (400) allowed fetch authenticated user's visible circles.'


$client = new google_client(); $client->setclientid($client_id); $client->setclientsecret($client_secret); $client->setredirecturi($redirect_uri);  ...  $plus = new google_service_plus($client); $people= $plus->people->listpeople('me','visible');  <-- works $people= $plus->people->listpeople('101474958426407069227','visible');  <-- not work although 101474958426407069227 bussiness page connected main google account. 

how can it? there additional method of authenticating pages (not main account)?

people: list list of people in specified collection.

about google+ pages google+ pages provide local businesses, brands, organizations , artists public identity , presence on google+. google+ pages managed through google business dashboard, allows businesses update , share business information on google.

so pages not people. pages have not been exposed though google+ api. cant @ time. can find number of issue quests asking added api. google-plus-platform issues


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