c# - MouseRightClick on ListBox crashes the app -

when mouse right click on empty listbox, whole app crashes , don't know how debug this, put try-catch , on.

have encountered such problem? ideas on how solve issue?

here's xaml on listbox:

    <listbox x:name="lststat" horizontalalignment="left" height="129" margin="10,10,0,0"               verticalalignment="top" width="330" fontsize="16"              itemssource="{binding statisticsqueries}" cursor="arrow">         <listbox.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate>                 <label content="{binding path=name}" fontweight="medium" fontsize="18" fontfamily="helveticaneuecyr"/>             </datatemplate>         </listbox.itemtemplate>     </listbox> 

maybe xaml somehow wrong?


here're bindings .cs

public observablecollection<query> statisticsqueries { get; private set; } private void fillstatisticslist() {     const string statsquery = "select * cached_queries is_statistics true;";     var connection = new mysqlconnection(databasemodel.connectionstring);     connection.open();      var cmd = new mysqlcommand(statsquery, connection);      cmd.executenonquery();     var reader = cmd.executereader();     cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text;      statisticsqueries = new observablecollection<query>();      while (reader.read())     {         statisticsqueries.add(new query         {             id = reader["id"].tostring(),             autoschool = reader["autoschool"].tostring(),             isstatistics = reader["is_statistics"].tostring(),             name = reader["query_name"].tostring(),             text = reader["query_text"].tostring()         });     }     connection.close(); } 

and here's on window_loaded event:

await task.run(() => fillstatisticslist()); 

that's code connected listbox, has nothing rightmouseclick... why doesn't crash on other click or something?

try following: include try-catch block , show error message:

private void fillstatisticslist() {     try     {         const string statsquery = "select * cached_queries is_statistics true;";         var connection = new mysqlconnection(databasemodel.connectionstring);         connection.open();          var cmd = new mysqlcommand(statsquery, connection);          cmd.executenonquery();         var reader = cmd.executereader();         cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text;          statisticsqueries = new observablecollection<query>();          while (reader.read())         {             statisticsqueries.add(new query             {                 id = reader["id"].tostring(),                 autoschool = reader["autoschool"].tostring(),                 isstatistics = reader["is_statistics"].tostring(),                 name = reader["query_name"].tostring(),                 text = reader["query_text"].tostring()             });         }         connection.close();     }     catch (exception ex) { messagebox.show(ex.message); } } 

hope may help.


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