c# - How to bind events and properties of controls in UniformGrid dynamically? -

i newbie in templating wpf controls. use vs2013, wpf 4.5 , caliburn micro 2.0.2. in part of tasks have need populate grid toggle buttons contained different images , subtitle. have solved using uniformgrid. see code below. work still don't have event , property binding since don't know how can bind events , properties of toggle buttons view model, since generated automatically , dynamically , number of toggle buttons uncertain (depends on number of images in image folder).

for example: manually bind click event, ischecked property , other properties of toggle button 1 following:

<togglebutton x:name="togglevehicle01" ischecked={binding selectedvehicle01} background="{binding backcolorselectedvehicle01}" tooltip="{binding vehiclename01}"> 

but now can't anymore since toggle buttons generated automatically , number uncertain. please help. feel free change code below or give me examples code works. thank in advance.

the view (mainview.xaml):

<usercontrol x:class="cmwpf02.views.mainview"          xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"          xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"          xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"          xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"          d:designheight="300"          d:designwidth="300"          mc:ignorable="d">     <grid width="1024"           height="768"           horizontalalignment="left"           verticalalignment="top"           showgridlines="true">         <itemscontrol name="imagelist"                       background="#ffffffff"                       borderbrush="#ffa90606"                       itemssource="{binding path=vehicleimages}">             <itemscontrol.itemspanel>                 <itemspaneltemplate>                     <uniformgrid margin="0,0,0,0" />                 </itemspaneltemplate>             </itemscontrol.itemspanel>             <itemscontrol.itemtemplate>                 <datatemplate>                     <togglebutton width="180"                                   margin="10,10,10,10"                                   fontsize="10"                                   style="{staticresource {x:static toolbar.togglebuttonstylekey}}">                         <!--  x:name="togglevehicle01"  -->                         <!--  background="{binding backcolorselectedvehicle01}"  -->                         <!--  ischecked="{binding selectedvehicle01}"  -->                         <!--  tooltip="{binding vehicle01name}">  -->                         <stackpanel margin="0,5,0,5"                                     horizontalalignment="center"                                     verticalalignment="center">                             <image width="140"                                    renderoptions.bitmapscalingmode="fant"                                    source="{binding path=image}" />                             <textblock horizontalalignment="center"                                        verticalalignment="center"                                        fontweight="bold"                                        text="{binding path=name}" />                         </stackpanel>                     </togglebutton>                 </datatemplate>             </itemscontrol.itemtemplate>         </itemscontrol>     </grid> </usercontrol> 

the viewmodel (mainviewmodel.cs):

using caliburn.micro; using system; using system.collections.objectmodel; using system.io;  namespace cmwpf02.viewmodels {     public class mainviewmodel : screen, ihavedisplayname     {         private string _path2images = @"d:\tmp\images";         public string displayname { get; set; }         public observablecollection<vehicleimage> vehicleimages { get; set; }          public mainviewmodel()         {             displayname = "main window";             var vehicles = new observablecollection<string>();             vehicles = getallfilesfromfolder(_path2images);             vehicleimages = new observablecollection<vehicleimage>();             foreach (var in vehicles)                 vehicleimages.add(new vehicleimage(i));         }          public observablecollection<string> getallfilesfromfolder(string fullpathfolder)         {             string[] filearray = directory.getfiles(fullpathfolder);             return new observablecollection<string>(filearray);         }     }      public class vehicleimage     {         public string image { get; private set; }         public string name { get; private set; }          public vehicleimage(string image)         {             image = image;             name = path.getfilename(image);         }     }     //public void togglevehicle01()     //{     //    var selecttext = (selectedvehicle01) ? " selected" : " unselected";     //    messagebox.show(vehicle01name + selecttext);     //    backcolorselectedvehicle01 = (selectedvehicle01) ? _backcolorselectedvehicle : _defaultbackcolorvehicle;     //}      //public boolean selectedvehicle02     //{     //    { return _selectedvehicle02; }     //    set     //    {     //        _selectedvehicle02 = value;     //        notifyofpropertychange(() => selectedvehicle02);     //    }     //}      //public brush backcolorselectedvehicle02     //{     //    { return _backcolorselectedvehicle02; }     //    set     //    {     //        _backcolorselectedvehicle02 = value;     //        notifyofpropertychange(() => backcolorselectedvehicle02);     //    }     //public string vehicle01name { get; private set; } } 

edit: can bind properties of generated togglebutton view model. make vehicleimage class view model (see modified code below). still have problem bind click-event of generated togglebutton view model.

the modified class view model

public class vehicleimage : propertychangedbase {     public string image { get; private set; }     public string name { get; private set; }      private boolean _selectedvehicle;     public boolean selectedvehicle     {         { return _selectedvehicle; }         set         {             _selectedvehicle = value;             backcolorselectedvehicle = _selectedvehicle ? new solidcolorbrush(color.fromargb(255, 242, 103, 33)) : new solidcolorbrush(colors.white);         }     }      private brush _backcolorselectedvehicle;     public brush backcolorselectedvehicle     {         { return _backcolorselectedvehicle; }         set         {             _backcolorselectedvehicle = value;             notifyofpropertychange(() => backcolorselectedvehicle);         }     }      // togglebutton's click-event handler, doesn't event trigger view.     // therefore set backcolorselectedvehicle fin setter of selectedvehicle property.     public void toggleselection()     {         //backcolorselectedvehicle = selectedvehicle ? new solidcolorbrush(color.fromargb(255, 242, 103, 33)) : new solidcolorbrush(colors.white);     }      public vehicleimage(string image)     {         image = image;         name = path.getfilename(image);     } } 

the modified view

<togglebutton width="180"               margin="10,10,10,10"               background="{binding path=backcolorselectedvehicle}"               fontsize="10"               ischecked="{binding path=selectedvehicle}"               style="{staticresource {x:static toolbar.togglebuttonstylekey}}"               tooltip="{binding path=name}">               <!--  x:name="toggleselection"  -->     <stackpanel margin="0,5,0,5"                 horizontalalignment="center"                 verticalalignment="center">         <image width="140"                renderoptions.bitmapscalingmode="fant"                source="{binding path=image}" />                <textblock horizontalalignment="center"                           verticalalignment="center"                           text="{binding path=name}" />     </stackpanel> </togglebutton> 


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