javascript - Is it possible to get similar text in string by RegExp -

is possible make function similar text in string regexp ex:

max differences letters = 2 or 3 letters ( + or - ) fine

var text = 'is possible similar text in string regexp'; // , similar_text(text , 'strong'); // => string similar_text(text , 'posible'); // => possible similar_text(text , 'isit'); // => // etc... 

here implementation (needs levenshtein function). not prettiest, gets job done:

  function similar_text(haystack, needle) {     var best_match = false;     var best_match_int = 9007199254740992;      var arr = haystack.split(" ");      ( var chunk = 1; chunk < arr.length; chunk++ ) {       ( var = 0; i<arr.length; i++ ) {         if ( i+chunk > arr.length )           continue;          var substack = arr.slice(i, i+chunk).join(' ');         var l = new levenshtein(needle.tolowercase(), substack.tolowercase());          if ( l.distance < best_match_int )         {           best_match = substack;           best_match_int = l.distance;         }       }     }       return best_match;   } 

here plunker demoing how can done.


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