coldfusion - Hashed password sometimes longer than 128 characters -
i'm having weird security-related problem, lately i've been getting regular intermittent errors when trying insert hashed passwords in sql server database field that's nvarchar(130):
<cfqueryparam value="#hashpass#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" maxlength="130">
the hashpass variable set thus:
<cfset hashpass = hash(arguments.password & getsalt.user_salt, "sha-512")>
wondering how it's possible sha-512 hash longer 128 characters, when documentation says should 128 exactly? here's coldfusion 10 error:
[macromedia][sqlserver jdbc driver][sqlserver]string or binary data truncated.
it seems error issue @ database level, coldfusion not failing maxlength
check on cfqueryparam
tag , allowing query executed. tested trying pass string exceeds length specified in maxlength
attribute (on cf10) , error:
the cause of output exception that: coldfusion.tagext.sql.queryparamtag$invaliddataexception: invalid data value this-is-a-string-that-is-too-long exceeds maxlength setting 10..`
as adam cameron mentioned in comments question, seems different field in query throwing error.
as hashed password 128 chars long - there reason why validating 130 chars?
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