How to use ReactJS on Rails without react-rails -

i want try react on rails.

but dont know how use correctly.

i put require @ head of, , copy code form facebook's

#= require react/react #= require react/jsxtransformer #= require react/react-with-addons.min  $ ->   hello = react.createclass     render: ->       `<h1>h</h1>`    view = document.queryselector('#content')   react.render(`<hello/>`, view) 

why use ` in template because react-rails use jsx.

but finally, got error :

uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token < 

so, can me? thank you.

the jsxtransformer script transforms jsx inside <script> tags type=text/jsx. making work within rails asset pipeline bit more involved.

react-rails registering new tilt engine .jsx files on startup calls jsx::transform, in turn manually invokes jsx transformer part of asset pipeline.


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