eclipse - Filling a HUD in Java -

the hud in need of fillling

i've decided on making hud picture above, don't know command in java need use can fill top half , bottom half separately.

know how use g.fillrect(); command, , take around twenty of these commands fill said half.

public class hud {      private player player;     private bufferedimage image;     private font font;     private font font2;     private  int phealth = player.gethealth();      public hud(player p) {         player = p;         try {             image ="/hud/hud_test.gif"));             font = new font("arial", font.plain, 10);             font2 = new font("sans_serif", font.bold, 10);         }         catch(exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }      public void draw(graphics2d g) {          g.drawimage(image, 0,  10,  null);         g.setfont(font2);         g.setcolor(;         g.drawstring("health:", 30, 22);         g.drawstring("mana:", 25, 47);         g.setfont(font);         g.drawstring(player.gethealth() + "/" + player.getmaxhealth(), 64, 22);         g.drawstring(player.getcubes() / 100 + "/" + player.getmaxcubes() / 100, 55, 47);         g.setcolor(;         g.fillrect(1, 25, phealth * 25, 4);         g.setcolor(;         g.fillrect(1, 31, player.getcubes() / 33, 4);     } } 

this code hud far.
in filling shape help.

removed idea #1! (it didn't seem work.)

okay, idea #2:

image1 image1

image2 image2

image3 image3

so, there 3 .png images.

  • draw image1 first, followed drawing image2 , image3 directly on top of it.
  • to fill either red/blue bars, clip image2 , image3 accordingly (i.e. cut away left sides)

take @ this on clipping.
require minor calculations on how clip, based on hp/mana of player, should enough.

should (clipping , overlaying done in paint)

update (problem solved, using idea #2!):



import javax.imageio.imageio; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.bufferedimage;  @suppresswarnings("serial") public class testgraphics extends jframe implements actionlistener {     jpanel utilbar = new jpanel();      jbutton hpupbtn = new jbutton("hp++");     jbutton hpdownbtn = new jbutton("hp--");     jbutton mpupbtn = new jbutton("mp++");     jbutton mpdownbtn = new jbutton("mp--");      graphicspanel drawingarea = new graphicspanel();      testgraphics()     {            setsize(600, 500);         setlayout(new borderlayout());          add(utilbar, borderlayout.north);         utilbar.setlayout(new gridlayout(1, 4));          utilbar.add(hpupbtn);         utilbar.add(hpdownbtn);         utilbar.add(mpupbtn);         utilbar.add(mpdownbtn);          add(drawingarea,;          hpupbtn.addactionlistener(this);         hpdownbtn.addactionlistener(this);         mpupbtn.addactionlistener(this);         mpdownbtn.addactionlistener(this);          setvisible(true);     }      public void actionperformed(actionevent e)     {         if (e.getsource() == hpupbtn) {             drawingarea.inchp();         }         else if (e.getsource() == hpdownbtn) {             drawingarea.dechp();         }         else if (e.getsource() == mpupbtn) {             drawingarea.incmp();         }         else if (e.getsource() == mpdownbtn) {             drawingarea.decmp();         }          system.out.println("player hp: " + drawingarea.gethp() +                 " player mp: " + drawingarea.getmp());          drawingarea.revalidate();         drawingarea.repaint();     }      public static void main(string[]agrs)     {         new testgraphics();     } }  @suppresswarnings("serial") class graphicspanel extends jpanel {      private static int basex = 150;     private static int basey = 150;      private static final int bar_full = 287;     private static final int bar_empty = 8;      private bufferedimage image1 = null;     private bufferedimage image2 = null;     private bufferedimage image3 = null;      private int playerhp = 100;     private int playermp = 100;      public graphicspanel() {         try {             // 3 images same posted in answer             image1 =                     getclass().getresourceasstream("/image1.png"));             image2 =                     getclass().getresourceasstream("/image2.png"));             image3 =                     getclass().getresourceasstream("/image3.png"));         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }      public void inchp() { playerhp += (playerhp < 100) ? 5 : 0; }     public void dechp() { playerhp -= (playerhp > 0) ? 5 : 0; }     public void incmp() { playermp += (playermp < 100) ? 5 : 0; }     public void decmp() { playermp -= (playermp > 0) ? 5 : 0; }      public int gethp() { return playerhp; }     public int getmp() { return playermp; }      @override     protected void paintcomponent(graphics g) {         super.paintcomponent(g);          // clear graphics         g.setclip(null);         g.setcolor(;         g.fillrect(0, 0, 600, 600);          g.drawimage(image1, basex, basey, null);          int hpperc = (int) ((bar_full - bar_empty) * (playerhp / 100.0));         g.setclip(basex + bar_empty + hpperc, 0, 600, 500);         g.drawimage(image2, basex, basey, null);         g.setclip(null);          int mpperc = (int) ((bar_full - bar_empty) * (playermp / 100.0));         g.setclip(basex + bar_empty + mpperc, 0, 600, 500);         g.drawimage(image3, basex, basey + 78, null);         g.setclip(null);     } } 


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