php - The file could not be found while using LifecycleCallbacks -

i have problem form validation in symfony2.

in case $form->isvalid() command results in the file not found. though provide file during filling in form

additionally debuging of setfile function in documents entity leads conclusion file value set correctly. setfile function , results of print_r provided below:

/**  * sets file.  *  * @param uploadedfile $file  */ public function setfile(uploadedfile $file = null) {     $this->file = $file;     print_r($this->file); // [this test]     // check if have old image path     if (is_file($this->getabsolutepath())) {         // store old name delete after update         $this->temp = $this->getabsolutepath();     } else {         $this->link = 'initial';     } } 

print_r result:

symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile object ( [test:symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile:private] => [originalname:symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile:private] => firefox.exe [mimetype:symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile:private] => application/octet-stream [size:symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile:private] => 338032 [error:symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile:private] => 0 [pathname:splfileinfo:private] => c:\wamp\tmp\php9dc3.tmp [filename:splfileinfo:private] => php9dc3.tmp )  

my questions why though file provided correctly form validator fails?

when comment out part of setfile() function starts work resulting in move exception.


/**  * sets file.  *  * @param uploadedfile $file  */ public function setfile(uploadedfile $file = null) {     $this->file = $file;      /*if (is_file($this->getabsolutepath())) {         // store old name delete after update         $this->temp = $this->getabsolutepath();     } else {         $this->link = 'initial';     }*/ } 

my form class:

<?php  namespace appbundle\form;  use symfony\component\form\abstracttype; use symfony\component\form\formbuilderinterface; use symfony\component\optionsresolver\optionsresolverinterface;  class documentstype extends abstracttype {     /**      * @param formbuilderinterface $builder      * @param array $options      */     public function buildform(formbuilderinterface $builder, array $options)     {         $builder             ->add('marker')             ->add('document_date', 'date', array('widget' => 'single_text', 'format' => 'yyyy-mm-dd'))             ->add('file', 'file')             ->add('notes', 'text', array('required' => "false"))         ;     } 

my controller in is_valid function results in negative result:

        /**     * code aimed @ checking if book choseen , therefore whether further works may carried out     */     $session = new session();     if(!$session->get("app_books_chosen_lp")) return new redirectresponse($this->generateurl('app_listbooks'));     // authorization goes here       $documents = new documents();     $form = $this->createform(new documentstype(), $documents);     $form->add('save', 'submit', array('label' => 'dodaj dokument'));     $form->handlerequest($request);      if ($form->isvalid()) { 

my documents class:

    <?php namespace appbundle\entity; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use symfony\component\validator\constraints assert; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile;  /**  * @orm\entity   * @orm\haslifecyclecallbacks  * @orm\table(name="documents")  */  class documents {     /**      * @orm\column(type="integer")      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")      */     protected $id;      /**      * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="books", inversedby="documents")      * @orm\joincolumn(name="book_id", referencedcolumnname="id")      */     protected $book;      /**      * @orm\column(type="string", length=220)      */     protected $marker;      /**      * @orm\column(type="date", length=220)      */     protected $document_date;      /**      * @orm\column(type="string", length=220)      * @assert\file(maxsize="6000000")      */      protected $link;       /**      * @orm\column(type="text")      */      protected $notes;       /**      * id      *      * @return integer       */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * set marker      *      * @param string $marker      * @return documents      */     public function setmarker($marker)     {         $this->marker = $marker;          return $this;     }      /**      * marker      *      * @return string       */     public function getmarker()     {         return $this->marker;     }      /**      * set document_date      *      * @param \datetime $documentdate      * @return documents      */     public function setdocumentdate($documentdate)     {         $this->document_date = $documentdate;          return $this;     }      /**      * document_date      *      * @return \datetime       */     public function getdocumentdate()     {         return $this->document_date;     }      /**      * set link      *      * @param string $link      * @return documents      */     public function setlink($link)     {         $this->link = $link;          return $this;     }      /**      * link      *      * @return string       */     public function getlink()     {         return $this->link;     }       /**      * set notes      *      * @param string $notes      * @return documents      */     public function setnotes($notes)     {         $this->notes = $notes;          return $this;     }      /**      * notes      *      * @return string       */     public function getnotes()     {         return $this->notes;     }      /**      * set book      *      * @param \appbundle\entity\books $book      * @return documents      */     public function setbook(\appbundle\entity\books $book = null)     {         $this->book = $book;          return $this;     }      /**      * book      *      * @return \appbundle\entity\books       */     public function getbook()     {         return $this->book;     }      /*     * ### file upload process ###      */      /**      * @assert\file(maxsize="6000000")      */     private $file;      /**      * stores temporay path      */      private $temp;      /**      * sets file.      *      * @param uploadedfile $file      */     public function setfile(uploadedfile $file = null)     {         $this->file = $file;         print_r($this->file); // [this test]         // check if have old image path         if (is_file($this->getabsolutepath())) {             // store old name delete after update             $this->temp = $this->getabsolutepath();         } else {             $this->link = 'initial';         }     }       /**      * @orm\prepersist()      * @orm\preupdate()      */     public function preupload()     {         if (null !== $this->getfile()) {             $this->link = $this->getfile()->guessextension();         }     }      /**      * file.      *      * @return uploadedfile      */     public function getfile()     {         return $this->file;     }        public function getabsolutepath()     {         return null === $this->link             ? null             : $this->getuploadrootdir().'/'.$this->id.'.'.$this->link;     }      public function getwebpath()     {         return null === $this->link             ? null             : $this->getuploaddir().'/'.$this->link;     }      protected function getuploadrootdir()     {         // absolute directory  uploaded         // documents should saved         return __dir__.'/../../../web/'.$this->getuploaddir();     }      protected function getuploaddir()     {         // rid of __dir__ doesn't screw         // when displaying uploaded doc/image in view.         return 'uploads/documents';     }      /**      * @orm\postpersist()      * @orm\postupdate()      */     public function upload()     {         if (null === $this->getfile()) {             return;         }          // check if have old image         if (isset($this->temp)) {             // delete old image             unlink($this->temp);             // clear temp image path             $this->temp = null;         }          // must throw exception here if file cannot moved         // entity not persisted database         // uploadedfile move() method         $this->getfile()->move(             $this->getuploadrootdir(),             $this->id.'.'.$this->getfile()->guessextension()         );          $this->setfile(null);     }       /**      * @orm\preremove()      */     public function storefilenameforremove()     {         $this->temp = $this->getabsolutepath();     }      /**      * @orm\postremove()      */     public function removeupload()     {         if (isset($this->temp)) {             unlink($this->temp);         }     }  } 

i have found out problem. have marked "link" column file , validator failing link text , not file.

my link code was:

/**  * @orm\column(type="string", length=220)  * @assert\file(maxsize="6000000")  */  protected $link; 

and line:

 * @assert\file(maxsize="6000000") 

should not there.


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