ios - Unable to convert NSString to NSURL -

i'm using following code nsurl nsstring nsurl null :

nsstring *cfurl = (nsstring *)cfbridgingrelease(cfurlcreatestringbyaddingpercentescapes(kcfallocatordefault,(cfstringref)[asseturl absolutestring], null, cfstr("!$&'()*+,-./:;=?@_~"), kcfstringencodingutf8));  nsstring *instagramstring = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"instagram://library?assetpath=%@&instagramcaption=%@", (nsurl *)cfurl, strinstagramcaption];  nsurl *instagramurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:instagramstring]; 

nsurl not natively support instagram protocol. here supported protocols.

the url loading system provides support accessing resources using following protocols:

file transfer protocol (ftp://)

hypertext transfer protocol (http://)

hypertext transfer protocol encryption (https://)

local file urls (file:///) data urls (data://)

as stated in documentation, have create custom protocol.


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