haskell - ghcjs + sodium: no events after some time -

update: there issue in ghcjs: https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs/issues/296

i play ghcjs , sodium after 3 seconds application doesn't emit events anymore.

a minimal example:

  • a button: emit events
  • a counter behavior: counts button clicks
  • a div: displays counter behavior
  • after 3 seconds, div doesn't update anymore
  • if reload page, counter updates again - 3 seconds

{-# language overloadedstrings #-} module main  import           control.applicative ((<$>)) import           control.concurrent  (forkio, threaddelay) import           control.monad       (forever) import           data.default        (def) import           data.text           (text, pack) import           frp.sodium import           javascript.jquery   hiding (event)   main :: io () main =   body <- select "body"    -- button   (btn, btne) <- mkbtne "click"   appendjquery btn body     -- behavior: counter - increment when btne (button event) arrive   counterb <- sync $ accum 0 (const (+1) <$> btne)     -- div counter value   counterview <- mkdiv $ fmap (pack . show) counterb   appendjquery counterview body     -- wait -> nothing changed   -- forkio $ forever (threaddelay 1000000000)   return ()     mkbtn :: text -> io jquery mkbtn label = select "<button/>" >>= settext label   mkbtne :: text -> io (jquery, event ()) mkbtne label =   (e, t) <- sync newevent   btn <- mkbtn label   on (const $ sync $ t ()) "click" def btn   return (btn, e)   mkdiv :: behaviour text -> io jquery mkdiv b =   div <- select "<div/>"   sync $ listen (value b) (\t -> settext t div >> return ())   return div 

the full example under https://github.com/j-keck/ghcjs-sodium



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