amazon web services - Frontend and communication for EC2 based cloud application -

we implementing system take image input, processing on it, , return results. have processing on ec2 instance. i'm pretty new cloud computing in general, , haven't worked web either, , i'm trying decide best way create frontend system. (the backend c++ code running on amazon ec2). frontend, have 2 options:

  • a desktop app somehow communicate ec2 instance. 1 simpler build, i've experience this, don't know how able talk backend. there's ssh, don't know how suitable is.

  • a webserver running on ec2 instance itself. sounds better idea , haven't done webdevelopment, might end taking more time.

i'm not looking create fancy uis, functional lets end user upload image, , view results. option should go for?

there pros , cons of both approaches, given brief description , simplicity of application web based approach seem match.

this gives advantages:

  • easy deploy (nothing install on users machines)
  • easy upgrade (again no impact on users machines)
  • with basic practice (sticking standards , using 'responsive web design' example) should run on browsers , machines without modification

some common limitations aware of:

  • if target mobile, users may prefer 'app' experience browser based experience
  • if have strict real time or performance requirements, native applications may perform better (it depends on actual requirements)


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