sqlite - developement database is not configured -

how can solve problem facing problem on server in development mode?

developement database not configured. available: ["default", "development", "test", "production"] (activerecord::adapternotspecified)


  default: &default     adapter: sqlite3     pool: 5     timeout: 5000    development:     <<: *default     database: db/development.sqlite3     test:     <<: *default     database: db/test.sqlite3    production:     <<: *default     database: db/production.sqlite3 

try database.yml :

# sqlite version 3.x #   gem install sqlite3 # #   ensure sqlite 3 gem defined in gemfile #   gem 'sqlite3' development:   adapter: sqlite3   database: db/development.sqlite3   pool: 5   timeout: 5000  # warning: database defined "test" erased , # re-generated development database when run "rake". # not set db same development or production. test:   adapter: sqlite3   database: db/test.sqlite3   pool: 5   timeout: 5000  production:   adapter: sqlite3   database: db/production.sqlite3   pool: 5   timeout: 5000 


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