gruntjs - How to use grunt sass to compile and compress scss to css? -

i trying use grunt-contrib-sass in order compile ...

basically want achieve following

sass --compass --force --update --style compressed --sourcemap /scss:/css 

i tried following

    sass: {         dist: {             options: {                 style: 'compact'             },             files: {                 '/css/screen.css': '/screen.scss'             }         }     } 

however, grunt complainaing "errno::eisdir: directory @ rb_sysopen"

any idea how fix this? uses compass way.. need defined in grunt?

i use grunt-sass , usual sass config looks this:

client: {     options: {         loadpath: ['<%= config.tmp %>/styles'],         compass: false     },     files: {         '<%= config.tmp %>/styles/main.css': '<%= config.tmp %>/styles/main.scss'     } } 


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