android - SimpleCursorAdapter - set 2 columns to 1 view -

i have sqlite datebase displaying data in listview simplecursoradapter. have 2 columns want displey them in 1 textview. how can that? thanks

try code , may you

method calling listview oncreate

private void populatelistviewfromdb1()                 {                     cursor cursor = helper1.getalldata(sharedemail);                                startmanagingcursor(cursor);                              string[] productname = new string[]                                     {                                     databasehelper.key_namevalue,                                     databasehelper.key_type,                                       };                              int[] viewproduct = new int[]                                     {                           ,                                     };                              // create adapter                                mysimplecursoradapter mycursoradapter = new mysimplecursoradapter                                       (this,                                        r.layout.listview,                                        cursor,                                        productname,                                        viewproduct);                               listview list = (listview) findviewbyid(;                             list.setadapter(mycursoradapter);                        }                   }

public class mysimplecursoradapter extends simplecursoradapter {  public mysimplecursoradapter(context context, int layout,             cursor cur, string[] from, int[] to) {         super(context, layout, cur, from, to);      }      @suppresswarnings("static-access")     @override     public view newview(context con, cursor c, viewgroup arg2) {          layoutinflater inflater = (layoutinflater) con                 .getsystemservice(con.layout_inflater_service);          view retview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.listview, null);          return retview;     }  public void bindview(view v, context context, cursor c) {          string pname = c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex(databasehelper.key__namevalue));         string issuetype = c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex(databasehelper.key_type));      textview name_text = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;  name_text.settext(pname +":"+ issuetype);   }  } 


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