reactjs - How to setup an app using browserify, babel, eslint, react/jsx, and jest (no gulp/grunt)? -

i setup app using

  1. browserify
  2. babeljs
  3. eslint
  4. react(with jsx)
  5. jest

npm task manager (no gulp|grunt|brocoli)

first of need install libraries npm.

npm install --save-dev eslint, browserify, babelify, jest-cli 

the package names self explain lib installed.


assuming app/index.js root file. can add following scripts build , watch source file.

"scripts": {     "build": "browserify app/index.js > public/js/bundle.js",     "install": "npm run build",     "watch": "watchify app/index.js -o public/js/bundle.js"   } 

es6 , jsx

to compile es6 , jsx, add following package.json :

"browserify": {     "transform": [       "babelify"     ]   } 

now, browserify transforms es6 , jsx syntax plain javascript 5. more transformations check out


to use jest add following package.json.

"scripts": {    "test": ""  } 

after that, can run tests using npm test. jest documentation


if it's first time using eslint, should set config file using eslint --init , need add new script package.json.

for example:

"lint" : "eslint app/*.js" 

note, need specify source files want lint in above command.


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