extjs - How to populate a Tree with flat JSON? -
i receiving json response api following objects structure:
{ "servers": [ { "name": "root company ltd.", "guid": "{1760f250-5012-46b2-8bbf-955ffd1c51ad}", "parentguid": null, "active": true, "connected": true }, { "name": "25-tecvoz hlv1wad", "guid": "{cc893441-a3b5-42b2-95b6-f3e56f0286ae}", "parentguid": "{1760f250-5012-46b2-8bbf-955ffd1c51ad}", "active": true, "connected": true }, { "name": "20-axis m1031", "guid": "{216142b2-a9b8-4aff-85cd-1d97685f4ee1}", "parentguid": "{1760f250-5012-46b2-8bbf-955ffd1c51ad}", "active": true, "connected": true }, // ... ] }
as can see, json structure "flat", object's children not nested parents, when building tree panel, objects parentguid
set should nested object matching guid
the tree doesn't need dynamic, mean doesn't need make new request server every time open node, json complete set of information server already.
i using following model:
ext.define('web.model.server', { extend : 'ext.data.model', requires: [ 'web.globals' ], idproperty: 'guid', // "fields" , "validators" skipped... proxy: { type: 'rest', url: web.globals.getaddress('/api/servers'), appendid: false, reader: { type: 'json', rootproperty: 'servers' } } });
the store:
ext.define('web.store.servers', { /* url /api/servers */ extend: 'ext.data.treestore', alias: 'store.servers', model: 'web.model.server', root: {expanded: true} });
and panel:
{ xtype : 'treepanel', name : 'servers', title : 'select server', flex : 1, overflowy : 'scroll', autoscroll : true, margin : 5, store : ext.create('web.store.servers'), rootvisible : false, displayfield: 'name', autoload: true, }
how can accomplish this? wasn't able find clear way in documentation.
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