Android Facebook SDK - Share dialog does not respond to cancel callback -

i'm working facebook sdk 4.0 on android app , found problem:

-when share post, can see facebook interface , can post , cancel perfectly. registered callbacks, if press cancel button, oncancel callback not called, post not published, onsuccess callback called. however, if touch close button, works ok.

here code:

 private void fbonshare(){      sharelinkcontent sharecontent = new sharelinkcontent.builder()             .setcontenttitle("the simpson!")             .setcontenturl(uri.parse(""))             .build();       this._btnshare = (sharebutton)findviewbyid(;     this._btnshare.setsharecontent( sharecontent );       _btnshare.registercallback( this._fbcallbackmanager, new facebookcallback<sharer.result>() {         @override         public void onsuccess(sharer.result result) {              log.v("myapp", "share success!"); //showed if press share or cancel button          }          @override         public void oncancel() {             log.v("myapp", "share canceled"); //only showed when press close button         }          @override         public void onerror(facebookexception e) {             log.v("myapp","share error: " + e.tostring());         }      }); } 

the _fbcallbackmanager created in method initializes in oncreate method activity.

the "cancelar" button respond onsuccess callback inspite of not post share content. "close" button works ok.

according this not bug , should stay way.

the way know if user accepted publishing check postid on result.

you have postid if user didn't cancel , if user logged in app , has publish permissions. otherwise null.

yeah know, sucks.


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