javascript - Looking inefficiencies in a JS function -

i'm working out codeeval problem gives me array of strings. each string has 4 integer values represent 2 points on cartesian grid so, 'a, b, x, y', may same. objective determine relative direction of second point in relation first point , express relationship in conventional orienteering terms, e.g., n, ne, e, ..., nw. if points identical, return here.

i able solve problem ok, , core of function here

	var ary = line.split(' '),  	    direction = '',  		dif_long = ary[2] - ary[0],  		dif_lat = ary[3] - ary[1];    	if (dif_lat !== 0){direction = (dif_lat > 0) ? 'n' : 's';}  	if (dif_long !== 0){direction += (dif_long > 0) ? 'e' : 'w';}  	if (direction == '') {direction = 'here';}  	console.log(direction );

i've put sample data on js fiddle, modified generate list rather console.log.

my problem got 0 points solution. leads me think have performance problem somewhere. appreciate constructive suggestions on eliminating inefficiency.

edit: not class assignment. code challenge site. it's not matter of being correct. it's correct, otherwise site won't score solution.


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