selenium - Chrome webdriver does not let me click a hamburger menu -

this appearance of html markup (a tile object) testing selenium.

enter image description here

the goal of test trigger drop down menu clicking hamburger icon seen in attached screenshot.

here relevant code

    dropdown_menu = tile.find_element_by_class_name('dropdown-toggle') 

when comes click function call, got error:

webdriverexception: message: unknown error: element not clickable @ point (528, 125). other element receive click: <span class="icon-file"></span> 

the icon-file class blue icon on top left corner of tile.

however, when test same code in firefox did not exception.

what cause of difference of behaviour?

i added time.sleep(5) in between 2 lines , fixed issue

dropdown_menu = tile.find_element_by_class_name('dropdown-toggle') time.sleep(5) 

thanks peanut link bug report in comment


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