How to fix location error on java labels in GUI Application Used SWING? -

i used following code display multiple lables on java gui app. when used location method last label object, not worked properly. case effected last object of flow. follwoing code segment , screen shot of output window. please give me feedback solve this. thanks!

package gui.creating; /**  *  * @author dilan dinushka  */ import javax.swing.*; public class guicreating  {     /**      * @param args command line arguments      */     public static void main(string[] args)      {         jframe frame1 = new jframe();         frame1.setsize(500,500);         frame1.settitle("basic gui application");         frame1.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);         frame1.setvisible(true);          jlabel lbl1 = new jlabel("welcome idm!");         lbl1.setbounds(100,100,200,50);         frame1.add(lbl1);          jlabel lbl3 = new jlabel("thank you");         lbl3.setbounds(100,200,200,50);         frame1.add(lbl3);          jlabel lbl2 = new jlabel("nuturing achievers");         lbl2.setbounds(100,150,200,50);         frame1.add(lbl2);     } } 

location method deprecated think. in javadocs , check out post, may java swing - jlabel location


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