ruby on rails - ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound / Couldn't find Maker with 'id'=1 -

i might've erased user information (:maker_id, :name, , :password) when did rake db:reset in terminal, going 'localhost:3000' '/' gives me error:

activerecord::recordnotfound in pagescontroller#home

couldn't find maker 'id'=1

extracted source (around line #7):

6 def current_user

7 @current_user ||= maker.find(session[:maker_id]) if session[:maker_id]

8 end

9 helper_method :current_user

my application controller has:

class applicationcontroller < actioncontroller::base    protect_from_forgery with: :exception    def current_user     @current_user ||= maker.find(session[:maker_id]) if session[:maker_id]   end   helper_method :current_user    def authorize     redirect_to '/' unless current_user   end  end 

my pages controller has empty

def home end 

my pages home.html.erb view has:

<div class='text-center'>     <h1>welcome venture</h1>      <br><br>      <%= link_to "signup", '/signup', class: 'btn btn-success' %> or     <%= link_to "login", '/login', class: 'btn btn-primary' %> </div> 

my layouts application.html.erb view has:

<body class="containter">    <div class='pull-right'>     <% if current_user %>       logged in <%= %> | <%= link_to "logout", '/logout' %>     <% else %>       <%= link_to "signup", '/signup'%> or <%= link_to "login", '/login' %>     <% end %>   </div>    <h1><%= link_to 'venture', '/' %></h1>    <% flash.each |type, message| %>     <div class="alert alert-info fade in">       <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>       <%= message %>     </div>   <% end %>  <%= yield %>  </body> 

it used work before db:reset runs db:drop db:setup believe. create users through signup page cannot there.

any insight appreciated.

these records not available more - when db:drop executed, of them have been removed. operation can not undone , @ moment options have restore db either manually or automatically if have access backup.


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