Symfony 2 - Twig templates - Entity function results -

i looking best solution how send value returned 1 of entity function's in symfony2 twig template.

the problem connecting getting file url file uploaded according "how handle file uploads doctrine" manual ( following last example ("using id filename").

in controller getting 1 of documents entity.

$document = $this->getdoctrine()->getrepository('appbundle:documents')->find($id); 

and provide entity details twig template:

return $this->render('appbundle:documents:details.html.twig', array('document' => $document)); 

however in template need link file generated getabsolutepath() function.

 public function getabsolutepath()     {         return null === $this->link             ? null             : $this->getuploadrootdir().'/'.$this->id.'.'.$this->link;     } 

i may use in controller following code:

return $this->render('appbundle:documents:details.html.twig', array('document' => $document, 'link' => $document->getabsolutepath())); 

but solution not seems tidy me, sending $document twig. practical solution?

its simple. in twig template can do:

{{ document.getabsolutepath() }} 


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