haskell - OpenGL- fails to compile with ghc 7.10.1 -

any idea causing ? , how can 1 fix ?

joco@vm001:~$ cabal install hsqml-demo-samples resolving dependencies... configuring opengl- building opengl- failed install opengl- build log ( /home/joco/.cabal/logs/opengl- ): configuring opengl- building opengl- preprocessing library opengl- [  1 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.vertexattributes ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/vertexattributes.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/vertexattributes.o )  graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/vertexattributes.hs:25:1: warning:     import of ‘control.applicative’ redundant       except perhaps import instances ‘control.applicative’     import instances alone, use: import control.applicative() [  2 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.texturing.filter ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/texturing/filter.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/texturing/filter.o ) [  3 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.pointparameter ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/pointparameter.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/pointparameter.o ) [  4 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.pixelformat ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/pixelformat.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/pixelformat.o ) [  5 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.comparisonfunction ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/comparisonfunction.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/comparisonfunction.o ) [  6 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.blendingfactor ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/blendingfactor.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/blendingfactor.o ) [  7 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.texturing.pixelinternalformat ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/texturing/pixelinternalformat.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/texturing/pixelinternalformat.o ) [  8 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.framebufferobjects.framebuffertarget ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/framebufferobjects/framebuffertarget.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/framebufferobjects/framebuffertarget.o ) [  9 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.buffermode ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/buffermode.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/buffermode.o ) [ 10 of 117] compiling graphics.rendering.opengl.gl.iostate ( graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/iostate.hs, dist/build/graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/iostate.o )  graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/iostate.hs:32:10:     no instance (applicative (iostate s))       arising superclasses of instance declaration     in instance declaration ‘monad (iostate s)’  graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/iostate.hs:45:4:     not deduce (applicative (iostate a))       arising statement     context (storable a)       bound type signature                  peekiostate :: storable => iostate a       @ graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/iostate.hs:43:16-40     in stmt of 'do' block: ptr <- getiostate     in expression:       { ptr <- getiostate;            x <- liftiostate $ peek ptr;            putiostate (ptr `plusptr` sizeof x);            return x }     in equation ‘peekiostate’:         peekiostate           = { ptr <- getiostate;                  x <- liftiostate $ peek ptr;                  putiostate (ptr `plusptr` sizeof x);                  .... }  graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/iostate.hs:57:12:     not deduce (applicative (iostate b))       arising use of ‘replicatem’     context (integral a)       bound type signature                  ntimes :: integral => -> iostate b c -> iostate b [c]       @ graphics/rendering/opengl/gl/iostate.hs:56:11-57     in expression: replicatem (fromintegral n)     in equation ‘ntimes’: ntimes n = replicatem (fromintegral n) cabal: error: packages failed install: opengl- failed during building phase. exception was: exitfailure 1 hsqml-demo-samples- depends on opengl- failed install. 

ok, old version of opengl only. newer versions should build ok. https://travis-ci.org/haskell-opengl/opengl


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