markup - Structured-Data > Microdata > Schema > Article > Author Itemscope > Properties > Google Validation Error -

i developing own site locally. first site relative 'noob'.

i have begun process of marking site microdata format using vocabulary.

i using google's structured data tester test microdata markup.

on webpage have marked article.

the problem

i getting errors properties person itemscope connected article itemscope. not matter how person linked, whether author or creator or otherwise.

for example, if link person article using author property , try mark name name property, gives red error so:

! name

where property name cited in url/property format, , 'name' property value want.

if click on error message, says:

the property not recognised google object of type thing.

it otherwise:

  • showing other article properties fine; and
  • creating person-type property article fine (eg author, creator, etc); and
  • creating name:value pairs properties of person (eg name).

but doesn't recognise properties of person.

markup sample

here sample of how marking up:

<html>  ...  <div itemprop="haspart" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">      <h1 itemprop="headline name">         awesome things     </h1>      <div itemprop="articlebody">         blah blah blah  ... fluffy kittens ... blah blah blah ... donuts ... blah blah blah ... coffee!!! ...          author:                              <span itemprop="author" itemscope="itemscope" itemptype="">             <span itemprop="name">                 joe blogs-a-lot             </span>                          </span>      </div>  ...  </div> </html> 


i have tried testing alternate properties person expected type (author , creator). same result.

i have tried wrapping person itemscope around properties, , using itemref , id target values. works, has downside of adding values properties in common article. so, example, article gets additional name value of joe blogs-a-lot - isn't correct.


i have had bit of look-see couldn't quite find specific answer - surprised me.

i did notice there reports of issues testing tool. example, note this answer awesome contributor in area, mighty @unor. if see this, unor, have provided many people here stuff. rock.

the actual question

am doing dumb (a distinct possibility past experience), or issue tester?

your markup sample contains typo:


should be


unfortunately, google structured data testing tool doesn’t report such errors. (and shouldn’t have interpreted property name url, because item without type have proprietary item property name, not url.)

on side note: might want to use http instead of https urls.


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