sql server - SSIS : Flat File Source : FastParse property - Date column - error -

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i have created ssis package , reading csv file using flat file source control.

in csv file : 1. column name - expiration 2. date format - 5/31/2015 3. column data type - dt_date

now, when set fastparse property column in output, gives me below error message.

title: package validation error

package validation error

------------------------------ additional information:

error @ data flow [read csv source file [73]]: "fastparse" custom property "read csv source file.outputs[flat file source output].columns[expiration]" cannot set true. column data type must 1 of following: dt_i1, dt_i2, dt_i4, dt_i8, dt_ui1, dt_ui2, dt_ui4, dt_ui8, dt_dbtimestamp, dt_dbtimestamp2, dt_dbtimestampoffset, dt_date, dt_dbdate, dt_dbtime, dt_dbtime2, or dt_filetime.

error @ data flow [ssis.pipeline]: "read csv source file" failed validation , returned validation status "vs_isbroken".

error @ data flow [ssis.pipeline]: 1 or more component failed validation.

error @ data flow: there errors during task validation.


do need change date format use fastparse property? reading millions of records in 1 operation , time consuming.

so, want improve performance of loading data csv file.

well according msdn (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ms139833.aspx)

by implementing fast parse, package forfeits ability interpret date, time, , numeric data in locale-specific formats , many used iso 8601 basic , extended formats, package enhances performance. example, fast parse supports commonly used date format representations such yyyymmdd , yyyy-mm-dd, not perform locale-specific parsing, not recognize special characters in currency data, , cannot convert hexadecimal or scientific representation of integers.

so date formats can use yyyymmdd , yyyy-mm-dd.


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