ios - Sprite Kit stop playing music file and start from the beginning -

whenever present scene, want start playing music file , stop music playing last time scene presented. i'm trying this.

[self removeactionforkey:@"music"]; [self runaction:[skaction repeatactionforever:[skaction playsoundfilenamed:@"music.wav" waitforcompletion:yes]] withkey:@"music"]; 

should use avaudioplayer or [skaction playsoundfilenamed:]?

also know if there way play music file forever in scenes without starting beginning.

to play background music in scenes recommend avaudioplayer. can write code somewhere in appdelegate access scenes. here sample code achieve using avaudioplayer

//    avaudioplayer *bgmusicloop;  - (void)playbackroundmusic:(nsstring *)filename withextenstion:(nsstring *)fileextension {     nsstring *filepath = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:filename oftype:fileextension];     nserror *error;     if(bgmusicloop)         [bgmusicloop stop];     bgmusicloop = nil;     bgmusicloop = [[avaudioplayer alloc] initwithcontentsofurl:[nsurl fileurlwithpath:filepath] error:&error];     if (error) {         nslog(@"error in audioplayer: %@", [error localizeddescription]);     } else {         bgmusicloop.numberofloops = -1;         [bgmusicloop preparetoplay];         [bgmusicloop play];     } }  - (void)stopbackgroundmusic {     if(bgmusicloop)         [bgmusicloop stop];     bgmusicloop = nil; }  - (void)pausebackgroundmusic {     if(bgmusicloop && bgmusicloop.isplaying)         [bgmusicloop pause]; }  - (void)resumebackgroundmusic {     if(bgmusicloop && !bgmusicloop.isplaying)         [bgmusicloop play]; } 


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