git - undo commit in merged branch -

commit graph (how is):

* hash1 - (head) last commit * hash2 - merge commit |\ | * hash3 - last branch commit should undone | * hash4 - commit should have been merged instead of hash3 | * hash5 - first branch commit * | hash6 - commit on master after branch creation |/ * hash7 - before trouble began ... 

commit hash4 last working commit, on different branch (not master). hash3 bad commit breaks project, merged master (hash2). hash1 unsuccessful try fix. how can revert hash4 , merge hash6 working project again?

commit graph (how should be):

* hash2 - merge commit |\ | * hash4 - commit should have been merged instead of hash3 | * hash5 - first branch commit * | hash6 - commit on master after branch creation |/ * hash7 - before trouble began ... 

you have several options:

git reflog

reflog store history of every change made head. can checkout repository given commit (detached head), create branch point , stuff.

for example:

git reflog .. find out head@{n} of desired commit git checkout head@{n} git checkout -b my_new_branch // @ point have new branch **head4** last commit 

git revert

git revert lets "rollback" = revert commit(s) wish discard.

git revert sha1 sha1 sha1 sha1  git revert head3 

this create commit undo of changes made in head3


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