coordinates - Using Python with VK API, how can I get the checkins from a particular street? -

i've been using vk api places.getcheckins method check-ins particular street , use them sentiment analysis.

for work have specify latitude , longitude parameters. i've downloaded streets coordinates in geojson format:

{  ...  "properties": {       ...      "name": "a-street-so-called",       ...    },    "geometry": {       "type": "linestring",       "coordinates": [           [ 37.399092526176915, 55.715745258737407 ],           [ 37.398983226159537, 55.715823964808216 ]       ]    }   } 

you can download here (166 mb).

from these coordinates specified street script:

def get_streets(name):     coordinates = []     in data['features']:         try:             if i['properties']['name'] == name:                 coordinates.append(i['geometry']['coordinates'])         except:             none      return coordinates 

that results in (i think of ("type":"linestring")):

[     [37.625916884336014, 55.67560424062041],      [37.62689513625539, 55.67304407211511],      [37.62689513625539, 55.67304407211511],      [37.627487820628794, 55.671551422797954],      [37.63091308536064, 55.66356606746359],      [37.631465368960754, 55.663102380580035],     ... ] 

or this, if there more 1 instance of street in geojson file ("type":"multilinestring"):

[     [         [37.625916884336014, 55.67560424062041],          [37.62689513625539, 55.67304407211511]     ],      [         [37.62689513625539, 55.67304407211511],          [37.627487820628794, 55.671551422797954]     ],      [         [37.63091308536064, 55.66356606746359],          [37.631465368960754, 55.663102380580035],         ...     ], ... ] 

but there gaps between coordinates on straight parts of street:

gaps between coordinates

i filling them with:

def calc_points(lat_0, lon_0, lat_1, lon_1):     """     function takes in 2 coordinates , returns     list of new coordinates, lie on line between     first two.     """     new_points = []     y_displacement = lat_0 - lat_1     x_displacement = lon_0 - lon_1     # using formula line: y = m * x + b.     m = y_displacement / x_displacement     b = lat_0 - m * lon_0     x = lon_0     if lon_1 > lon_0:         while x < lon_1:             x += 0.00001             lat_new = round(m * x + b, 6)             new_points.append((x, lat_new))     elif lon_0 > lon_1:         while x > lon_1:             x -= 0.00001             lat_new = round(m * x + b, 6)             new_points.append((x, lat_new))     return new_points 

then trying automate of this:

def calc_streets(coordinates):     j = 0     # check if coordinates list nested     if coordinates[0][0] != none:         in coordinates:             threshold = len(i) - 1             while j < threshold:                 new = calc_points(i[j][1],                                   i[j][0],                                   i[j+1][1],                                   i[j+1][0])                 coordinates.append(new)                 j += 1     else:         threshold = len(coordinates) - 1         while j < threshold:             new = calc_points(coordinates[j][1],                               coordinates[j][0],                               coordinates[j+1][1],                               coordinates[j+1][0])             coordinates.append(new)             j += 1 

that gets me wondering if there better way check-ins. thanks.


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