objective c - How to pass multiple selected UITableview cells into a separate view so the user sees the selected data -

i new passing data try achieve when user has selected multiple uitableview cells , button clicked takes each cells image , text value separate view controller. try achieve order overview.i looking fro useful via tutorials or kind of offered.

thanks kind total beginner

probably best bet transfer data between viewcontrollers hooking segue-infrastructure overwriting prepareforsegue method. in there can access destinationviewcontroller , set properties want transfer text, images, etc.

you need setup segues in ib, give them identifier , able check identifier transfer needed data:

- (void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {     if ([segue.identifier isequaltostring:@"myidentifier"]) {         myviewcontroller *controller = [segue destinationviewcontroller];         // collect needed images , texts          // transfer them, e.g.         controller.customstringproperty = @"transfering data";      } } 


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