c++ - How to read value from `Link` between two nodes using omnet++ -

i'm trying implement ford fulkerson algorithm in omnet++ using c++. took c++ class article couldn't read values network should come links

my class algorithm :

// c++ program implementation of ford fulkerson algorithm #include <iostream> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include <queue> using namespace std;  // number of vertices in given graph #define v 6  class node : public csimplemodule {   protected:     // following redefined virtual function holds algorithm.     virtual void initialize();     virtual void handlemessage(cmessage *msg); };  define_module(node);  void node::initialize() {     // these values should come links     int graph[v][v] = { {0, 16, 13, 0, 0, 0},                             {0, 0, 10, 12, 0, 0},                             {0, 4, 0, 0, 14, 0},                             {0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 20},                             {0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 4},                             {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}                           };     fordfulkerson(graph, 0, 5); }  void node::handlemessage(cmessage *msg) {     send(msg, "out"); }  /* returns true if there path source 's' sink 't' in   residual graph. fills parent[] store path */ bool bfs(int rgraph[v][v], int s, int t, int parent[]) {     // create visited array , mark vertices not visited     bool visited[v];     memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited));      // create queue, enqueue source vertex , mark source vertex     // visited     queue <int> q;     q.push(s);     visited[s] = true;     parent[s] = -1;      // standard bfs loop     while (!q.empty())     {         int u = q.front();         q.pop();          (int v=0; v<v; v++)         {             if (visited[v]==false && rgraph[u][v] > 0)             {                 q.push(v);                 parent[v] = u;                 visited[v] = true;             }         }     }      // if reached sink in bfs starting source, return     // true, else false     return (visited[t] == true); }  // returns tne maximum flow s t in given graph int fordfulkerson(int graph[v][v], int s, int t) {     int u, v;      // create residual graph , fill residual graph     // given capacities in original graph residual capacities     // in residual graph     int rgraph[v][v]; // residual graph rgraph[i][j] indicates                      // residual capacity of edge j (if there                      // edge. if rgraph[i][j] 0, there not)     (u = 0; u < v; u++)         (v = 0; v < v; v++)              rgraph[u][v] = graph[u][v];      int parent[v];  // array filled bfs , store path      int max_flow = 0;  // there no flow      // augment flow while tere path source sink     while (bfs(rgraph, s, t, parent))     {         // find minimum residual capacity of edhes along         // path filled bfs. or can find maximum flow         // through path found.         int path_flow = int_max;         (v=t; v!=s; v=parent[v])         {             u = parent[v];             path_flow = min(path_flow, rgraph[u][v]);         }          // update residual capacities of edges , reverse edges         // along path         (v=t; v != s; v=parent[v])         {             u = parent[v];             rgraph[u][v] -= path_flow;             rgraph[v][u] += path_flow;         }          // add path flow overall flow         max_flow += path_flow;     }      // return overall flow     return max_flow; } 

network :

/ // program free software: can redistribute and/or modify // under terms of gnu lesser general public license published // free software foundation, either version 3 of license, or // (at option) later version. //  // program distributed in hope useful, // without warranty; without implied warranty of // merchantability or fitness particular purpose.  see // gnu lesser general public license more details. //  // should have received copy of gnu lesser general public license // along program.  if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. //   import node;  import link;  // // generated network random topology (6 nodes, 8 edges, seed=100). // network network {     @display("bgb=478,329");     submodules:         s: node {             @display("p=19,87;is=s");         }         n1: node {             @display("p=130,142;is=s");         }         n2: node {             @display("p=130,36;is=s");         }         n3: node {             @display("p=262,142;is=s");         }         n4: node {             @display("p=262,36;is=s");         }         t: node {             @display("p=364,87;is=s");         }     connections:         s.g++ <--> link { @display("t=13"); cost = 13; } <--> n1.g++;         s.g++ <--> link {  cost = 16;@display("t=16"); } <--> n2.g++;         n1.g++ <--> link {  cost = 1;@display("t=1"); } <--> n2.g++;         n1.g++ <--> link {  cost = 14;@display("t=14"); } <--> n3.g++;         n1.g++ <--> link {  cost = 9;@display("t=9"); } <--> n4.g++;         n2.g++ <--> link {  cost = 12;@display("t=12"); } <--> n4.g++;         n4.g++ <--> link {  cost = 20;@display("t=20"); } <--> t.g++;         n3.g++ <--> link {  cost = 4;@display("t=4"); } <--> t.g++;         n3.g++ <--> link {  cost = 7;@display("t=7"); } <--> n4.g++; } 

enter image description here

it seems using custom module called link channel, seem have given cost parameter. getting cost parameter node requires 3 steps:

for getting link channels connecting node neighbors, need first query node's connections using omnet++ api. see section accessing gates , connections in user manual details. each connection, can pointer associated channel (your link module) using getchannel method.

using pointer link module, can query value of parameters using omnet++'s par() method.

i see setting link modules' display string (in particular, t tag annotate text). see user manual's chapter on display strings information on how read (or write to) tag.


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