ios - Issue with CocoaPods 0.37.2 and KissXML 5.0 -
xcode 6.3.2 cocoapods 0.37.2 kissxml 5.0
i'm having difficult time getting kissxml compile pod after updating cocoapods 0.35.0.
i ton of errors this:
error:(2, 9) 'libxml/tree.h' file not found include; use "quotes" instead
i have both mac , ios project share code, , both fail in same way. if reinstall 0.35.0, build fine.
i should mention have subclass of ddxmldocument defined in application category on ddxmlelement.
i've tried create smaller project demonstrates issue, haven't been able create 1 fails in same way, must unique project.
anyone have ideas look?
source '' platform :ios, "7.1" inhibit_all_warnings! pod 'bbutton' pod 'cocoaasyncsocket' pod 'cocoalumberjack' pod 'csnotificationview' pod 'dropbox-ios-sdk' pod 'hockeysdk' pod 'kissxml' pod 'mbprogresshud' pod 'mmmarkdown' pod 'reachability' pod 'reveal-ios-sdk', :configurations => ['debug'] pod 'swrevealviewcontroller' pod 'uidevice-hardware'
you have add -lxml2
in target build setting adding $(sdkroot)/usr/include/libxml2
of target.
clean & build again, should work
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