datepicker - how to set Angular Kendo Date Picker min date to yesterday? -

i working on kendo ui datepicker,i want set min date yesterday.

could me?

i have tried this

 var mindate = date.setdate((new date()).getdate() - 1); 

but of no use.

here code.

<body> <div id="example" ng-app="kendodemos">     <div class="demo-section k-content"ng-controller="myctrl">         <div class="box-col">             <h4>select date:</h4>             <input kendo-date-picker              ng-model="datestring"              k-options="monthselectoroptions"              k-ng-model="dateobject"               />      </div>     <style>         .box-col {             width: 400px;         }     </style> </div>  <script>   angular.module("kendodemos", [ "kendo.directives" ])       .controller("myctrl", function($scope){     var date = new date();          $scope.monthselectoroptions = {              min: date           };        }) </script> 

its pretty easy so. here example:


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