CSS Selectors & Bootstrap Carousel: cannot get overflow visible -

for reason cannot override overflow hidden property of .inner-carousel.

this code job in general case:

   .carousel-inner{       overflow: visible;     } 

but want in specific case when use aside tag inside carousel divs overflow become visible (i.e. aside visible).

strangely enough, code not work.

   .carousel-inner aside {       overflow: visible;     } 

what going on?

i recreated minimal example on bootply.

when change .carousel-inner aside{ .carousel-inner{ result want work. problem applies elements , want apply aside.

edit: i've noticed this question gives direct answer problem. reason though can't solutions implemented. if has suggestion i'd happy hear it.

what want not possible in css can't target "parents" selectors based on specific children configuration. need javascript/jquery code run in order add class divs being direct parent of aside element.

here's jquery example :

$(document).ready( function(){     $('aside').each(function(){         $(this).parents('.carousel-inner').addclass('withaside');     }); }); 

and fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/su83yo5k/

once implement this, can easilly attach property class, overflow or in case of example basic text color...


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