wpf - how can i find reference of scroll bar head button in xamcomboeditor -

i working on wpf application uses third party infragistics controls.for dropdows using xamcomboeditor. want find reference of scroll bar arrow head button in code behind file. possible?

in order access element, can first obtain relevant scrollbar xamcomboeditor scrollviewer's controltemplate , can find out how how to: find controltemplate-generated elements page on msdn. in order though, need know names of elements within default controltemplate , can find how access in answer how extract default control template in visual studio? question here on stack overflow.

it's difficult answer without knowing elements in default controltemplate, in short, this:

scrollviewer scrollviewer =      (scrollviewer)combobox.template.findname("nameofscrollviewer", combobox); scrollbar scrollbar =      (scrollbar)scrollviewer.template.findname("part_verticalscrollbar", scrollviewer); 


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