javascript - Ionic: Exactly the same code, different output? -

hi stackoverflow members,

i've set codepen here: link works perfectly. however, when try implement ionic application cannot receive json data though code same , cannot understand why it's not working.

<body ng-controller="controller"> <ion-view view-title="announcements">     <ion-content class="padding">          <ion-refresher              pulling-text="pull refresh..."             on-refresh="dorefresh()">         </ion-refresher>          <ion-list>             <ion-item ng-repeat="data in data">                 <div class="list card">                     <div class="item item-divider">{{data.announcement_name}} - {{}}</div>                     <div class="item item-body">                         <div>                             {{data.message}}                         </div>                     </div>                 </div>             </ion-item>         </ion-list>      </ion-content> </ion-view> </body> 

and here's controller:

angular.module('ionicapp', ['ionic'])     .controller('controller', ['$http', '$scope', function ($http, $scope) {         $ = [];         $scope.dorefresh = function () {             $http.get('')                 .success(function (data) {                     $ = data;                 })                 .finally(function () {                     $scope.$broadcast('scroll.refreshcomplete');                 });         };     }]); 

i don't errors in console log when run code (which annoying) have no idea problem is. brilliant. thanks.

you may need white-list address you're trying access. this plugin allows white-list addresses. catch-all solution can add following config.xml:

<allow-intent href="*" /> 

note however, not recommended. see documentation how allow more specific urls / protocols.


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