php - zf2 + doctrine2 and No Metadata Classes to process -

i'm using tutorial module application fork fine doctrine orm when i'm tring connect in module i'm reciving error:

    d:\aptana studio\projects\app01>vendor\bin\doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create  deprecated: "symfony\component\console\helper\dialoghelper" deprecated since version 2.5 , removed in 3.0. use "symfony\component\console\helper\qu estionhelper" instead. in d:\aptana studio\projects\app01\vendor\symfony\console \helper\dialoghelper.php on line 34 no metadata classes process.  d:\aptana studio\projects\app01> 

application created skeleton, module has such code: /app01/module/myblog/config/module.config.php

    <?php namespace myblog;  return array(          'doctrine' => array(         'driver' => array(             'myblog_entity' => array(                 'class' => 'doctrine\orm\mapping\driver\annotationdriver',                 'cache' => 'array',                 'paths' => array(__dir__ . '/../src/myblog/entity')             ),             'orm_default' => array(                 'drivers' => array(                     'myblog\entity' => 'myblog_entity'                 )             )         ),         'eventmanager' => array(              'orm_default' => array(                  'subscribers' => array(                      'gedmo\timestampable\timestampablelistener',                      // 'gedmo\softdeleteable\softdeleteablelistener',                      // 'gedmo\translatable\translatablelistener',                      // 'gedmo\blameable\blameablelistener',                      // 'gedmo\loggable\loggablelistener',                      // 'gedmo\sluggable\sluggablelistener',                      // 'gedmo\sortable\sortablelistener',                      // 'gedmo\tree\treelistener',                  ),              ),          )     ) ); 


    <?php namespace myblog\entity;  //use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection;  use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection; use doctrine\common\collections\collection; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use gedmo\mapping\annotation gedmo;  class blogpost {     /**      * @var int      * @orm\id      * @orm\column(type="integer")      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")      */     protected $id;      /**      * @var string      * @column(type="string", length=255, nullable=false)      */     protected $title;      /**      * id.      *      * @return int      */     public function getid() {         return $this -> id;     }      /**      * set id.      *      * @param int $id      *      * @return void      */     public function setid($id) {         $this -> id = (int)$id;     }      /**      * title.      *      * @return string      */     public function gettitle() {         return $this -> title;     }      /**      * set title.      *      * @param string $title      *      * @return void      */     public function settitle($title) {         $this -> title = $title;     }  } 


    <?php namespace myblog;  class module {     public function getautoloaderconfig()     {         return array(                 'zend\loader\standardautoloader' => array(                         'namespaces' => array(                                 __namespace__ => __dir__ . '/src/' . __namespace__,                                 //__namespace__ => __dir__ . '/src/' . str_replace('\\', '/' , __namespace__),                         ),                 ),         );     }      public function getconfig()     {         return include __dir__ . '/config/module.config.php';     } } 


return array( // should array of module namespaces used in application. 'modules' => array(     'application',     'doctrinemodule',     'doctrineormmodule',     'zenddevelopertools',     'myblog' ), 


    <?php return array(     'doctrine' => array(         'connection' => array(             'orm_default' => array(                 'driverclass' =>'doctrine\dbal\driver\pdomysql\driver',                 'params' => array(                     'host'     => 'localhost',                     'port'     => '3306',                     'user'     => 'zf2guard',                     'password' => 'zf2guard',                     'dbname'   => 'app01',                     'driveroptions' => array(                         \pdo::mysql_attr_init_command => 'set names utf8'),                 )             )         ),     ), ); 

what wrong? why work in application module , not work in other module? try remove orm class (doctrine 2 no metadata classes process) nothing change. have ideas?

your entity not have @orm\entity annotation. in case whole class skipped class-metadata annotationdriver.

/**  * @orm\entity  * @orm\table(name="blog_post")  */ class blogpost {     // ... } 


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