javascript - Multi Language Website, Two Masterpages -

i designed website in 2 languages, english & arabic. since arabic language takes direction: rtl had make master-page it, therefore copied code again , did css editing , rewrote in arabic. have 2 folders (oriented en) , (oriented ar). i've been told have put (oriented ar) in english version folder, assume there problems want know how can put arabic folder english folder , create link on top of website links between 2 master-pages, when click it'll switch other language.

i suggesting don't create separate pages can translate pages , set related content not words similar images checking special django language flags, similar get_current_language_bidi or get_current_language , others...

example in template:

... {% get_current_language_bidi language_bidi %} {% ifequal language_bidi 'rtl' %}     <img src="arabic-header.png"> {% else %}     <img src="english-header.png"> {% endifequal %} ... 

read more django translation flags.


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