vba - How to filter and fill visible cell without 1004 error -
i'm trying filter column specified keywords fill text in visible cell of column b using "sub runthis" once keyword not match of rows error1004 appear.
could please suggest me fix ?
thank much,
my cross-posting http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1085681&p=4088366 http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=195012
public lastrow long sub runthis() lastrow = activecell.specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell).row 'suite1 'suite2 'suite3 'suite4 'suite5 suite6 'suite7 'suite8 'suite9 'suite10 'suite11 end sub '==============================find===suite6================== sub suite6() on error goto next0 '============search keyword 1 2 activesheet.range("a:a").autofilter field:=1, criteria1:= _ "=*s6r*", operator:=xlor, criteria2:="=*suite6/*" ' select target column paste range("d2:d" & lastrow).select selection.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).select ' targettext search selection.formular1c1 = "suite-6" next0: on error goto next2 activesheet.range("a:a").autofilter field:=1, criteria1:= _ "=*suite 6/*", operator:=xlor, criteria2:="=*suite_6/*" ' select target column paste range("d2:d" & lastrow).select selection.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).select ' targettext search selection.formular1c1 = "suite-6" next2: on error goto next3 activesheet.range("a:a").autofilter field:=1, criteria1:= _ "=*suite-6/*", operator:=xlor, criteria2:="=*suite6.*" ' select target column paste range("d2:d" & lastrow).select selection.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).select ' targettext search selection.formular1c1 = "suite-6" next3: on error goto next4 activesheet.range("a:a").autofilter field:=1, criteria1:= _ "=*suite 6.*", operator:=xlor, criteria2:="=*suite_6.*" ' select target column paste range("d2:d" & lastrow).select selection.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).select ' targettext search selection.formular1c1 = "suite-6" next4: on error goto next5 activesheet.range("a:a").autofilter field:=1, criteria1:= _ "=*suite-6.*", operator:=xlor, criteria2:="=*suite-6/*" ' select target column paste range("d2:d" & lastrow).select selection.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).select ' targettext search selection.formular1c1 = "suite-6" next5: end sub
this solve underlying issue without creating messy spaghetty code or leaving filters. bonus think have lower runtime , bit of wits can make loop through suites 1-11.
public lastrow long sub runthis() lastrow = cells.find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlbyrows, searchdirection:=xlprevious).row 'suite1 'suite2 'suite3 'suite4 'suite5 suite6 'suite7 'suite8 'suite9 'suite10 'suite11 end sub '==============================find===suite6================== private sub suite6() dim arrayofstrings() string 'arrayofstrings = array("*s6r*", "*suite6/*", "*suite 6/*", "*suite_6/*", "*suite-6/*", _ "*suite6.*", "*suite 6.*", "*suite_6.*", "*suite-6.*", "*suite-6/*") redim arrayofstrings(9) arrayofstrings(0) = "*s6r*" arrayofstrings(1) = "*suite6/*" arrayofstrings(2) = "*suite_6/*" arrayofstrings(3) = "*suite-6/*" arrayofstrings(4) = "*suite6.*" arrayofstrings(5) = "*suite 6.*" arrayofstrings(6) = "*suite_6.*" arrayofstrings(7) = "*suite-6.*" arrayofstrings(8) = "*suite 6/*" arrayofstrings(9) = "*suite-6/*" columntocheck = "a" 'you looking values in column, weren't you? = 1 lastrow 'in each of rows j = lbound(arrayofstrings) ubound(arrayofstrings) 'for each of strings match if cells(i, columntocheck).value2 arrayofstrings(j) cells(i, columntocheck).value2 = "suite-6" 'if there's match, replace uniform "suite-6" next j next end sub
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