android - How can i use older version of google play services? -

i'm using google cloud messaging through google play services. things works on devices last version of play services installed, in remaining devices need show dialog send user google play install new version witch don't want do!

how can avoid this?! i'm trying use older version of play services (lets 2 years ago) insure majority of users don't need update seems impossible grade , android sdk since deleted older versions! should do? there way use older versions?! , if find way use older version newer versions compatible older one?

don't want force users update because

  • gcm it's not essential app although have it!

  • it's on 30 mb witch lot in third world countries users are.

  • google play blocks of users accessing google play due international lows! , have update manually self!

there solution android studio:

1.close project

2.browse folder projects has been saved

3.go folder 'app' , open file 'build.gradle'

  1. find line :

    compile ''

and change version (here 7.3.0) older 1 (like 6.5.87). can find out available versions looking @ sdk/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/android/gms/play-services project again


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