python - pandas: KeyError in one case, but not in another similar case -

why keyerror in 1 case, not other? see below.

>>> import pandas pd >>> s1 = pd.series([10, 20, 30, 40], index=list('abcd')) >>> s2 = pd.series([10, 20, 30, 40], index=list('acbd')) >>> s1.loc['a':'z']    10 b    20 c    30 d    40 dtype: int64 >>> s2.loc['a':'z'] traceback (most recent call last):   file "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 559, in __getitem__     return self._get_with(key)   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 564, in _get_with     indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(key, kind='getitem')   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 871, in _convert_slice_indexer     key, is_index_slice=is_index_slice)   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 806, in _convert_slice_indexer_getitem     return self._convert_slice_indexer(key)   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 893, in _convert_slice_indexer     indexer = self.slice_indexer(start, stop, step)   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 2346, in slice_indexer     start_slice, end_slice = self.slice_locs(start, end, step=step, kind=kind)   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 2496, in slice_locs     end_slice = self.get_slice_bound(end, 'right', kind)   file "/path/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 2438, in get_slice_bound     raise err keyerror: 'z' 

update: 1 of answers said because s1.index.is_monotonic true. here case is_monotonic false, there no keyerror.

>>> s3 = pd.series([10, 20, 30, 40], index=list('dcba')) >>> s3['z':'a'] d    10 c    20 b    30    40 dtype: int64 >>> s3.index.is_monotonic false 

python v2.7.5, pandas v0.16.1

i think comes down fact index t not monotonic, i.e. it's not sorted. sorted/monotonic indexes allow few behaviours not possible unsorted ones.

s.index.is_monotonic out[15]: true  t.index.is_monotonic out[16]: false 

this briefly mentioned in docs on multi-indexing, although doesn't quite apply in case, i'm not sure go overview of how slicing works sorted/unsorted indices.


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