qt - Resizable PyQt widget displaying an image with fixed aspect ratio -

it common problem display qimage in widget. while can done using qlabel.setpixmap, resulting qlabel have fixed size equal size of pixmap. possible use setscaledcontents make qlabel scale pixmap , allow resizing. however, ignore aspect ratio of image , scale pixmap fill whole label.

several other questions on stackoverflow ask solutions problem, , typical solution given re-scale pixmap using qpixmap.scaled() depending on size of widget:

is there different, more "native" way achieve this?

the following qlabel-based widget preserve aspect ratio of pixmap assigned it. uses heighforwidth method return preferred height of widget given width. way, widget naturally respects aspect ratio of pixmap when resized , scales accordingly. tested in pyqt5.

class imagewidget(qlabel):      def __init__(self, parent=none):         super().__init__(parent)         self.setscaledcontents(true)      def hasheightforwidth(self):         return self.pixmap() not none      def heightforwidth(self, w):         if self.pixmap():             return int(w * (self.pixmap().height() / self.pixmap().width())) 


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