php - yii2 creating custom action in controller Page not Found -

namespace app\controllers;  use yii; use app\models\projects; use app\models\projectsearch; use app\models\employees; use yii\web\controller; use yii\web\notfoundhttpexception; use yii\filters\verbfilter;  /**  * projectcontroller implements crud actions projects model.  */ class projectcontroller extends controller {     public function behaviors()     {         return [             'verbs' => [                 'class' => verbfilter::classname(),                 'actions' => [                     'delete' => ['post'],                  ],             ],         ];     }      public function actiongetavailableemployees($id=null){         $available_employees = projects::getavailableemployees($id);         return json_encode($available_employees);     }   } 

my /config/web.php this:

 'urlmanager'=>array(         'enableprettyurl'=>'true',         'showscriptname'=>false,         'rules'=>array(             '' => '/',             '<action:(index|page|contact|login|logout|notallowed)>'=>'site/<action>',             '<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/view',             '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/<action>',             '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>'=>'<controller>/<action>',         ),     ), 

when try access url getting page not found error, seems problem here? new yii2.



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